Seminar 2: 17th October
Reading Chapter 2 ('Definite descriptions'), pp 9 -30 of Lycan textbook
1. Which of the following is are singular terms;
the morning star
fat men
the seminar leader
thin men
that girl
What is a singular term?
2. 'Santa does not exisit' is true. Why is this a puzzle (see pg 11)?
3. What is Frehes puzzle about identity?
4. What is the problem of substitutivity?
5. What would Russell say are the 3 propositions which 'The seminar leader is a girl' has as its logical form? (See pg 13 and 14)
6. What would Russell say are the 3 propositions which 'Santa is fat' has as its logical form? What would Russell say are the 3 propositions which 'Santa does not exist' has as its logical form?
7. With reference to your answer to question 6, why think that Russell solves Frege's puzzles?
8. What is objection 3 on pg 21-23 to Russell's theory? Do you find it convincing?
9. What is objection 4 on pg 23- 27 to Russell's theory? Do you find it convincing?
10. Can the Rusellian theory deal with anaphora?
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